Kannski verša Tyrkir okkar bjargvęttir ķ ESB mįlinu....

Kannski verša Tyrkir okkar bjargvęttir ķ ESB mįlinu og verša til žess aš okkur veršur hafnaš.... Annars er nś allt eins lķklegt aš ESB hafni umsókn okkar žegar žeir fara aš fara yfir mįliš. Evrópa tekur tępast žį įhęttu aš hleypa okkur inn ķ efnahagskerfi žeirra, žvķ myndum rśsta žvķ į nokkrum įrum....

Sś įgęta grein sem fréttin vitnar ķ er birt hér aš nešan...:

"Baku, Fineko/abc.az. Iceland which bankrupted during first volleys of the global economic crisis has stooped to the proposal to become part of the European Union.

Alting, general assembly of the Island voted for country’s joining the EU.

33 mercantile citizens voted “for” and 28 liberty-loving vikings voted “against”. This numeral superiority can hardly be called large. Besides, the Island will not become a EU member right now. But the event for Europe as a whole and the EU in particular is decisive.

Icelandic Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir has already called the voting a “historical moment to have very favorable consequences for the future of the nation”. But she apparently did not think of what a challenge the 33 mercantilists have thrown down to the European Commission.

The point is that registration of EU membership of Iceland, an island lying between Europe and America, while simultaneously the EU in fact refuses Turkey located on the European territory will mean moral and political insult to the Turkish elite that sets a goal of country’s acceding to the EU and agrees constantly on concessions for the sake of getting devout membership.

Acceptance of Iceland that in fact gives nothing to Europe with simultaneous refusal to Turkey will mean violation of norms established by the EU itself, in particular norms of equality, tolerance, democracy.

In practice it will mean that the 70-million European, although Moslem, country, has less rights to become part of the EU than the Christian island lost in the Atlantic. If such a choice is made, then Georgia with Armenia will be able to enter the EU earlier than Turkey which realized scheme of “Islamic democracy” (on analogy with European Christian democrats) or even earlier than secular Azerbaijan.

Iceland defied a challenge to the EU, Turkey and all the states that have done much to enter in “single Europe”. Choice in favor of Iceland will lead inevitably to appearance of alternate blocs.

At the same time no one should be deceived that Iceland was declining from membership in the EU for the reason of discontent with quota for fishing and that this island is a member of NATO, Northern Council, IMF, WB, UN and its organizations, CE and European Free Trade Association. But the same Turkey has no less regalia and deserts in “cold war”."

mbl.is Ašild Ķslands móšgun viš Tyrki
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Ómar Bjarki Smárason


Ómar Bjarki Smárason
Ómar Bjarki Smárason

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Netfang: stapi@xnet.is


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